The Lifeline Firehose is fabricated with an airline integral to the hose, through which water flows. It can be used anywhere where a normal firehose is usually deployed.
When attached to the Lifeline Firehose via a buddy breather it functions exactly like a regular firehose. The nozzle adapter at the end of the hose is where firefighters plug in their buddy breather to access unlimited air. If a situation arises where air is low or running out, a firefighter simply connects to the Lifeline Firehose and has a supply of continuous breathable air, supplied from a remote source.
With a Lifeline Firehose, you need not be attached to the hose via the buddy breather; instead, it is at your discretion when you connect and disconnect. The Lifeline Firehose functions just as a regular firehose; however, it provides an option – a very critical option – of accessing breathable air when seconds count.
The nozzle adapter at the end of the hose is where firefighters plug in their buddy breather to access unlimited air. All operations and deployment methods of this equipment and any adjunct equipment may be regulated by the operating department’s SOP (standard operating procedure). SOPs may vary from one department to the next. Training of this equipment is minimal because firefighters are already trained in fire hose use, and already training in using the buddy breather.

The Lifeline Firehose may be installed on your new equipment when specified to your apparatus manufacturer. The firehose has a maximum operational length of 300 feet. It does not require additional care and can be dried as with a standard hose. The Lifeline Firehose also meets and exceeds NFPA 1962, and is certified by an independent company.
We will work with you to retrofit your equipment to give you the ability to provide your personnel with continuous, breathable air. The Lifeline Firehose may work with other equipment that we offer to enhance the availability of continuous resources of breathable air. This equipment includes our “Tank” Air Cart, Smith Case, and High-Rise Air Cart.